Mountville DUI Lawyers

Mountville DUI LawyersIt’s something you never think will happen to you, and then it does. A lapse in judgment, strict new BAC laws, or an unexpected checkpoint. A DUI arrest happens, and your future is threatened. You need competent Mountville DUI lawyers to fight a potential conviction.

If you find yourself in this situation, you should be aware of what’s at stake. You could lose your driver’s license for a long time. You could be paying exorbitant fines. In some cases you may even be facing prison time. Like in most states, penalties for DUI in Pennsylvania are severe and devastating.

It is well worth the cost to have an experienced, dedicated attorney fighting for your legal rights. The attorneys at Cody & Pfursich have over 60 years of combined experience successfully litigating DUI cases. We’ve seen firsthand the dedication of police and prosecutors to a conviction.

As Mountville DUI lawyers, we know how to defend against unjust and excessive DUI charges. We’ll go over every aspect of your case, from breathalyzer and blood test results to whether your rights were fully explained to you at the time of your arrest. We’ll work to remove improperly obtained evidence, have your charges dismissed or reduced whenever possible, and have an unjust arrest expunged from your permanent record.

If you’re eligible, we’ll also seek to have you entered in an Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (A.R.D.) program that can reduce your charges, such as the length of time your license is lost.

When it comes to DUI cases, Mountville police and Lancaster County prosecutors are not interested in justice for you. A strong and experienced defense lawyer can be the only thing standing between stiff penalties and fines and your freedom.

The team at Cody & Pfursich is ready to defend you in this frightening time. Contact us today for a free initial consultation and ask how we can help.